Pentecostal Movement
The Bible is the Word of God, divinely inspired by God and the Holy Spirit(2 Tim.3: 16, 2 P.1: 21).Holy men of God who wrote it were divinely inspired and has been compiled in 66 books from Genesis to Revelation.The Bible contains the plan of salvation for man (2 Tim.3: 15), and eternal life (Jn.5: 39).It is the prophetic word (1 P.1: 19), is living and active (He.4: 12).The Scripture was left to our teaching (Rm.15: 4, 1Co.10: 11, 2 Ti.3: 16,17).
The Trinity: There is one true God (Dt.4: 35,6:4, :6,45:21 Is.44-22 Eph.4: 6), and has revealed in three persons: Father, Son andEspiritu Santo. They have the same stuff and same attributes.Three personalities should not be confused, or mixed, but a substance that must be split (Gn.1: 26, 3:22,11:7, Is.6: 8, Mt.3: 16:17, 2Co.13: 14 , 1P.1: 2, Rm.1 :1-4, Mt.28: 19, 1Jn.5: 7).These three are one (Jn.10: 30, 1Jn.5: 7, Jn.14 :7-11, Ga.3: 20).
The Father - God as Father, reigns over all. The Father is eternal and who have become children of God through Jesus Christ, who handed over to the Father (1 Cr.29: 10; Jn.1: 12; Rm.8 :14-15, 1 Cor. 8:6; Eph.4: 6).
The Son We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became man without ceasing to be God, being conceived by the Holy Spirit (Lc.1 :34-35; Jn.1: 1). Jesus came to reveal the Father and to redeem man from his sin (Jn.1: 14, 14:9, 10; Rm.5: 8). This redemption was fulfilled by dying on the cross and rose again the third day, and ascending to the right hand of the Father where He intercedes on behalf of those in the trust (Rm.8: 34).
The Holy Spirit is the Divine Person who convicts the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment (Jn.16: 7.8). It is God (Hch.5: 3.4), and is the Comforter (Jn.16: 16). He indwells and guides the believer into all truth and imparts gifts (Jn.7 :37-38; Jn.16: 13; 1Co.12 :8-10).
Repentance: The pain or sorrow for having offended God by our conduct pecaminesas (Hch.2: 37,38). Repentance is necessary to enter the kingdom of heaven. (Mt.3: 8, Hch.26: 20). By having a genuine repentance you have a change in thinking, feeling and acting.
Salvation: It's a gift that God in His love and mercy given to men by grace and repent and turn to God (Eph.2 :8-9, 1 TS.1: 9). The man believing and receiving Jesus is made a child of God (Jn.1: 12).
The Father - God as Father, reigns over all. The Father is eternal and who have become children of God through Jesus Christ, who handed over to the Father (1 Cr.29: 10; Jn.1: 12; Rm.8 :14-15, 1 Cor. 8:6; Eph.4: 6).
The Son We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became man without ceasing to be God, being conceived by the Holy Spirit (Lc.1 :34-35; Jn.1: 1). Jesus came to reveal the Father and to redeem man from his sin (Jn.1: 14, 14:9, 10; Rm.5: 8). This redemption was fulfilled by dying on the cross and rose again the third day, and ascending to the right hand of the Father where He intercedes on behalf of those in the trust (Rm.8: 34).
The Holy Spirit is the Divine Person who convicts the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment (Jn.16: 7.8). It is God (Hch.5: 3.4), and is the Comforter (Jn.16: 16). He indwells and guides the believer into all truth and imparts gifts (Jn.7 :37-38; Jn.16: 13; 1Co.12 :8-10).
Repentance: The pain or sorrow for having offended God by our conduct pecaminesas (Hch.2: 37,38). Repentance is necessary to enter the kingdom of heaven. (Mt.3: 8, Hch.26: 20). By having a genuine repentance you have a change in thinking, feeling and acting.
Salvation: It's a gift that God in His love and mercy given to men by grace and repent and turn to God (Eph.2 :8-9, 1 TS.1: 9). The man believing and receiving Jesus is made a child of God (Jn.1: 12).
Baptism: in water should be performed immediately after the conversion as an ordinance of Jesus Christ (Mr.16: 16; Hch8: 36). The baptismal formula is established by the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:19), and must be by total immersion in water include the death, burial and resurrection to new life in Christ.
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues (Lc.3: 16, Hch.2 :2-4). It is given to the believer by faith and ask him to be a promise of the Father (Hch.2 :38-39).The Holy Spirit empowers the believer to testify of Jesus (Hch.1: 8), and are trained through the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit that gives as he wants as gifts from God.
The Ministries: There are five: Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher, established by God to accomplish the task of perfecting and building up the Church, the body of Christ (Eph.4: 11).
The Great Commission: The Lord Jesus established the commission to go and preach the gospel to every creature (Mr.16: 15), and make disciples for the vision does not stop (Mt.28: 19). Continuing daily in the Temple and the communion at home, and win the community for Christ (Hch.2: 46).
Marriage: Established by God to man and woman were one flesh, and what God together no man put asunder (Gn.2: 18,23,24.), Until death do us part (1 Cor 7:39). Divorce is something that God hates (Malachi 2:14-16).
Divine Healing: The disease was one of the results of the fall of man because of sin, but God provided a response and is the source of health as it calls itself The Healer (Ex.15: 26). Christ Himself took our infirmities and carried our sorrows, and with his stripes we are healed (Is.53: 4.5, 1 Q.2: 24). The believer has received the authority to heal the sick in the Name of Jesus (Mr.16: 18, Stg.5: 14,15).
The Rapture: The first appearance of Christ to rapture the Church, his bride in the air in the blink of an eye (1 Ts.4: 16.17; 1Co.15: 52).
Judgement Seat of Christ: Sera when the believer will be rewarded according as his works (Mt.16: 27, Apo.22: 12). Alli will be judged the works of our Lord Jesus believer (2Co.5: 10; Rm.14: 10) and the goal is to determine whether a believer or not deserves reward.
The Great Tribulation: A period of grief which has not been, nor ever shall over all the earth (Mt.24: 21, Ap.3: 10).
The Coming of Christ: This will happen at the end of the Great Tribulation when Jesus regresera visibly with His saints to judge and establish His kingdom (Mt.24: 30, Ap.1 :7,19:11-21).
The Millennium: When Christ returns He will establish his kingdom for a period of thousand years and literally be King over the earth (Is.11 :1-9; Zc.14 :4-20; Ap.20 :1-6).
THE FINAL JUDGEMNT: The trial of the fallen angels (2 P.2: 4, Jude 6), the destruction of the universe today (2 P.3 :10-12), the final trial before the White Throne (Jn.5: 22; Ap.20 :12-13).