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was born in the Republic of:
"El Salvador" but after ten years of age came to the city of "Los Angeles CA"

I accept the Lord in December 1982 and 15 years of age he began to preach the Word of God with a big passion to serve the Lord. He began to develop in the ministry that his parents herded as a teacher of children, leads the youth ministry, and thus occupied different privileges within the ministry.

After graduating from high school, was called to serve as Assistant Pastor for the next 12 years.
In May 1993, he married his wife, Sonia Guerra, who also pastors the church with the Rios de Agua Viva. God gave them two beautiful daughters, Jennifer and Keyla.

Before pastoring, God will use with a strong call of an evangelist and performed several cross in different cities and states in America. In June 2002, is anointed as Senior Pastor of the Pentecostal Movement Rivers of Living Water, Inc.

He began pastoring the church with a group of about 80 members including children, but with that spirit of lidererazgo that God has given him a fresh vision to reach their city and nation. God guides you to establish an Academy of Workers to equip, train leaders to preach the word at home. During this time secular jobs but receive God's call to enter the ministry full time. The shepherds were chosen by God to bring the gospel in a practical way and with a strong anointing of the Holy Spirit.

+1 (323) 578 2601
D.R. 2025
Web administrator
Iglesia Ríos de Agua Víva
1809 West Blvd, Washington Blvd
Los Ángeles, ⁠CA 90019
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